
What is presbyopia?
is the process of losing the ability to see things up close that begins at the age of 40-45 and is completed around 55-60.

Presbyopia is not a disease, but a natural phenomenon whereby all individuals of both sexes become affected: with the loss of crystalline elasticity, reading tends to be more difficult and the gesture of stretching the arms to be able to distinguish the words of a written text becomes apparent.

The most common solution to myopia is to use reading glasses, but many people, especially those who do well in other conditions, do not accept them outright because they must always wear and remove them during other activities.

Reading magazines, restaurant menus, cell phone messages, product labels is almost impossible without the use of glasses and they are often forgotten, lost, broken, scratched, damaged in the continuous “put and remove” task.

Possible Solutions
Let’s see the solutions currently available to correct presbyopia.

Glasses: They are the simplest solution. Among the main concerns are the costs that become higher as the problem progresses, them being uncomfortable, easy to lose and break. For many people who are concerned with their looks, see that wearing reading glasses is an index of aging and do not accept this in a good way thereby affecting their young and dynamic feel.

Contact Lenses (LACs):
They can cause infections, keratitis, iatrogenic keratoconus, etc.

Laser PRK and Lasik:
These methods have the problem of being irreversible; they can cause dry eye. It can be difficult to diagnose and treat glaucoma. It is also difficult to calculate the amount of crystalline in the case of the need for a cataract surgery. They can induce corneal aberrations that are not stable and especially difficult to correct with IOL implants in case of having cataracts.

Phacoemulsification and IOL high-tech trifocal toric implantation:
 This method allows for the correction of all preexisting sight defects and those possibly caused by the intervention itself. It is a definitive intervention and the presence of a UV filter protects the retina from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.

When presbyopia is associated with cataract, it is possible to solve both problems with one intervention. Thanks to the state-of-the-art production of artificial crystals, it has managed to obtain an unimaginable quality. Intraocular lenses have been specially designed to solve this type of problem.

The multifocality of the implanted artificial crystal allows simultaneous reception of focal images at all distances: the brain can select them depending on the distance to which the visual attention is directed. In this case, the patient may avoid using glasses.

About 25 million people in Italy, aged between 45 and 60, suffer from presbyopia

Read the new solutions for cataract care and refractive defects:
the Zeiss Lenses and SIFI MedTech Lenses