Contact lenses are products for sale at optical stores and also online, which aims to correct vision defects.
The soft contact lenses, which are found on the market, have the characteristic of being very biocompatible, therefore being very easy to use and wear, therefore patients use them with ease. Fortunately, these devices exist and therefore a patient who has a vision defect can decide to buy a box of disposable contact lenses that correct his vision defects, can use them to play a sport, and aid in the performance that he is interested in doing without the use of glasses. Afterward, when the activity is over, he takes them out and throws them away.
This is a very clean and sterile way of correcting your vision defect and it is an intelligent way to be able to see well at a certain moment in your life and then, afterward, start to be exactly the same as before.
This means that infections due to contact lenses are greatly reduced, because the contact lenses that were used once or that are used today, are contact lenses that must be sterilized as they can transport germs. The disposable contact lens, on the other hand, from this point of view is extremely safe; it is clear that being disposable, it is like a pair of disposable gloves, like a disposable mask, that is, it is used once and is of an obviously lower quality than a lens that is built on our eye and then is standard, so it has a radius of curvature that may not be that of our cornea.
Before applying contact lenses, we always recommend a thorough eye exam including corneal topography, to understand what the state of your cornea is, that is to understand if it is healthy, diseased, if it has a radius of curvature that is average, if it is more curved, or flatter. It also serves to understand the state of one’s tears, because remember that the cornea, which is the most important lens of the eye, is covered by the tear film which is the first lens of the eye (the second is the cornea). This cornea-tear film complex cannot be divided, it cannot be separated, they are one, so we must not imagine the tear film as a trivial layer of water resting on the cornea and the cornea, on the other hand, a trivial lens. The system is a system that works in synergy, therefore a pathology of the lacrimal system, of the tear film, can reduce the quality and life of the cornea and vice versa a pathological cornea may not get along with a normal tear film. The contact lens is placed on top of this system, so we have a third inconvenience which is the contact lens, which goes to position itself in the cornea-tear system, therefore the contact lens must be prescribed by the ophthalmologist, the ophthalmologist must, with corneal topographies and with tests to assess the quantity and quality of the tear, decide if the subject can use contact lenses, how much and how often.
Of course, it does not end here. Once the patient habitually or sporadically uses contact lenses, he must still go for checkups to see how the eyes accept them.