Welcome to this video on the mechanism of action of the AcrySof® IQ Vivity® IOL¹. The AcrySof® IQ Vivity® IOL is a first-of-its-kind non-diffractive presbyopia-correcting IOL that utilizes X-WAVE™ technology to stretch and shift the wavefront.
AcrySof® Vivity® IOL utilizes essentially all light energy, giving patients an extended focal range with a monofocal visual disturbance profile.
The AcrySof® Vivity® IOL’s X-WAVE™ technology consists of two smooth surface transition elements in the central 2.2mm of the IOL². The first surface transition element is the slightly elevated smooth plateau that is about 1 μm in height and the second surface transition element is a slight curvature change.
With presbyopia, the focused light falls behind rather than on the retina when looking at close and intermediate objects. The slightly elevated smooth plateau is responsible for stretching the focal range. The small curvature change is responsible for shifting the continuous extended focal range to the anterior side of the retina so that a full range of vision is provided to the patient. The two smooth surface transition elements work simultaneously to stretch and shift the wavefront creating an extended focal range, providing 20/20 at far, greater than 20/25 at intermediate, and 20/32 at close distances.
AcrySof IQ Vivity IOL Early Experience Meeting
Active patients who rely on a range of functional vision to address their visual needs to perform their daily activities can now rely on presbyopia-correcting intra-ocular lenses. However, in some cases, patients find it difficult to agree with the potential visual disturbances such as halos and glare. The current limitations to cataract surgery are monofocal and multifocal IOL options. On one hand, monofocal IOL does not address presbyopia. On the other, multifocal IOL does address presbyopia but can give way to more optical disturbances such as halos, star bust, and glare.
Thanks to today’s new AcrySof IQ Vivity IOL, we are able to ultimately utilize all light energy to give patients an extended focal range while having a monofocal visual disturbance profile. It is a first of its kind non-diffractive presbyopia-correcting IOL that uses wavefront-shaping technology. What creates a continuous extended focal range, from distance, intermediate, to functional near vision, is the stretching and shifting of the wavefront.
Vivity IOL allows for easy management as to a monofocal that minimizes the need for glasses when performing activities such as operating a mobile device or computer, driving in low light, and writing.
Blue Eye Milan, 5 December 2019: we had the honor of having to experience and explore the innovative Vivity IOL with its Wavefront-Shaping technology.
The company that proposes this lens has invested heavily in research and we finally have a lens that seems to be very innovative. Such innovation of the lens is consistent with the depth of focus of the lens itself, so it has an ability to focus images not only from afar but also intermediate and partly peripheral focus, without creating any kind of side effect.
The trifocal lenses that we are used to and the old generation bifocal lenses are well used in near vision but in some patients, side effects, such as halos around lights, occur.
This new kind of lens is instead superimposable, has a great advantage for having a strong intermediate focus, so the patient is not obliged to use corrections when using the computer, therefore a good number of patients have sufficient strength to see up close without the use of eyeglasses.
The technology is that of stretch & shift, which consists of having to extend the focal range and having it shifted to the useful part (often, the focus of a lens is positioned beyond the vision from afar and in the middle towards near vision); having shifted the focus to the peripheral area and having to extend it, the focus of the lens is thereby indeed useful to the patient.
Dear. Doc. Bellone,
You are cordially invited to the AcrySof® IQ Vivity IOL Early Experience Meeting. The pre-launch meeting will be hosted on Friday, November 15th, from 8:30am to 13:30pm at the Alcon Experience Center in Barcelona, Spain.
As part of this program, we will explore the innovative Wavefront-Shaping technology behind the AcrySof® IQ Vivity IOL and see how it creates an extended focal range with the halo and glare profile of a monofocal. I hope you are as excited as we are by the opportunity to bring this unique new presbyopia-correcting IOL to you and your patients.
Thank you for your contribution to the AcrySof® IQ Vivity IOL and for your ongoing partnership with Alcon. Your commitment and expertise are invaluable to our dedicated effort to help patients leave halo and glare behind.
Daniela Kustermann
Surgical Product Manager
AcrySof IQ Vivity IOL Early Experience Meeting