
Hypermetropia or hyperopia is a visual defect in which the incoming light rays focus behind the retina instead of on it. This results in seeing distant objects easily but have difficulty focusing on objects that are up close. Hypermetropia occurs when the eye is shorter than normal or has a cornea (clear front window of the eye) that is too flat.

hypermetropia - Dr. Alberto Bellone

There are no medications that can prevent or treat farsightedness. The method that is traditionally used for its correction is the use of glasses or contact lenses.

A young individual may be unaware of the defect because of the large capacity of the lens to focus (accommodation). Over the years, the lens hardens, the ability to focus decreases and farsightedness becomes more apparent. Severe farsightedness may impair vision and the same may occur at a very young age. Hypermetropia can be offset, within certain limits, taking advantage of the accommodation which is the natural mechanism that allows the eye to focus. This allows one to see clearly but the effort exerted may cause fatigue.

Hypermetropia Treatment

Laser Treatment
With the advances in laser refractive surgery (LASIK), the visual defect can be corrected and reduces or eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Crystalline Lens Replacement With IOL
In cases when it is not possible to perform an intervention with the laser, the viable alternative is the use of intraocular lenses that replace the crystalline lens.

Case Report: Correction Of Severe Hypermetropia
The patient is a woman at 44 years of age who has severe hypermetropia and cannot undergo laser surgery or implantation of phakic lens because of the narrow space in the anterior chamber of the eye. The recourse then is a refractive surgery with the replacement of the crystalline lens with the ZEISS Trifocal Toric IOL (Intraocular Lens). All the technology used was made available by ZEISS.